Tuesday, October 30, 2012

California Baby Print Ad

Below is an executive summary designed  for an advertising class assignment:

To convince or enlighten families and mothers about the benefits/quality of organic, sustainably grown/produced products for their babies and for the whole family. Gentle enough for babies first bath, and pure enough to reduce acne in adults, California Baby needs to get this knowledge about their products out to people in metropolitan/suburban areas all across the country and Canada.  We will specifically use cute babies in the picture (because cute/baby is always a successful combinations) but we will also place a customer review in quotes  on every ad. This will do two things: 1st- Create a strong brand image (trustworthy, responsible, valuable)  and 2nd- encourage customer engagement with the California Baby brand by promoting the online review of California Baby products with the promise that each ad will use a direct customer quote from their written review.
The target audience is women, in their 20’s to 60’s who have children or care for small children or have sensitive skin themselves. These women want the best for their babies, are environmentally concerned/involved, and are also open to trendy eco-friendly products. These are the type of women who will spend the $12.95 for shampoo for their baby. Julia Roberts, Halle Berry, Katie Homes and Courtney Cox are all fans of the brand, which has earned cult status in trendier Asian countries. Though this is a celebrity endorsed product—we are trying to grow nationally and want to focus on the quality of our product vs. the sensationalism of celebrity.
The campaign will only be in print. In magazines (with high gloss photos) and on billboards and other outdoor surfaces (bus and train stops, etc.). Doing this will let the consumer experience the ad on their  time—and absorb it completely.

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